Samantha Rae
Born in Pennsylvania, Samantha Rae is a self taught artist. She started at an early age in high school making pottery, drawing and painting in art class. She then began creating jewelry for friends and family, then on to making jewelry for The White Buffalo Gallery. Being drawn to period clothing and antiques she creates pieces that are reminiscent to certain era's. Also drawn to nature she finds great mediums to work with like stone, wood and clay as well as any objects that she finds in her travels. Samantha is very detail oriented, which is why no two pieces will ever be the same. Along with making jewelry she also paints. Her work is being featured and sold in three stores in the St. Petersburg and Clearwater area.
More Info Also find her online at www.salvagegypsy.etsy.com and also onwww.artfire.com/users/SalvageGypsy. |