Nicole Morris. A 24 year old mother, artist, and musician. Entrepreneurial by nature. Eyes of a camera lens...A Martha Stewart meets Joan Jet.
"The arts is something that has been passed down in my family generation to generation. I became intrigued with art at a young age but really got fully invested with it in high school. At 17 I attended The School of the Art Institute of Chicago where I decided I wanted to be an oil portraiture Major and after graduation attended The School of Visual Arts in NYC. After 2 years in the grueling city and a major change later I relocated back to St.Pete FL where for the next 5 years my life would be sitting behind a computer and then later running my own business. I became exhausted. 18 hour days and not being able to spend as much time with my family I decided to get back to my roots...."
"I've always been fascinated with the anatomy and the way creatures are put together. Back in April 2011 I graduated from Aveda's Massage therapy Program so I have a full comprehension of Human Anatomy, but animals are so much more interesting. I plan on going back to school at USF to further study and major in Osteology, and we'll see where I go from there.".